
As the co-founder of Twitter and Square, two of the most high profile tech companies in Silicon Valley, Jack Dorsey can claim at least some sage wisdom in the way of building successful companies.

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That’s why a recent meeting in which the tech innovator delivered a few choice pieces of advice has drawn the attention of would-be tech moguls, as well as those with vested interests in his companies.

These latest comments come just weeks after the release of Hatching Twitter, a book that dented Dorsey’s reputation in some respects.

The comments were made during Y Combinator’s Startup School event on Saturday in Cupertino, California. No stranger to making bold pronouncements regarding how to approach business and life, Dorsey laid out a check list of Dos and Don’ts to the assembled audience.

According to Techcrunch, the list included the following Dos:

Stay present

Be vulnerable

Drink only lemon water and red wine

Six sets of 20 squats and push-ups every day

Run for 3 miles

Meditate on this list

Stand up straight

Spend 10 minutes with a heavy bag

Say hello to everyone

Get 7 hours of sleep

Those were followed by a shorter set of Don’ts:

Don’t avoid eye contact

Don’t be late

Don’t set expectations that you can’t meet

Don’t eat sugar

Don’t drink hard liquor or beer during the weekday

Some parts of Dorsey’s list suggest an extremely ascetic lifestyle, while other parts of the list read as simple common sense.

Nevertheless, the common thread among all the items on Dorsey’s Dos and Don’ts list appears to be the practice of consistency, a habit that has earned Dorsey a seat at the table of two of tech’s most interesting brands, no matter what his critics may say.